WWE Wiki
Hunico and Camacho

Hunico and Camacho are a duo group of Mexican - American WWE wrestlers, who first premiered in 2019, Royal Rumble and are iconic for their killer move, The Wombo Combo. They both present a massive threat to the American Government, and have proven so whilst fighting in the International Tag Team Championship. Accompanying their fighting style on stage, Camacho utilities a gas-powered bike, of Mexican brand. They both ride atop the bike, with Hunico standing behind Camacho, and ram it, full-throttle, into enemy lines.

Tragically, in January 2022, both Hunico and Camacho passed away in a gas fire, caused by their crashed bike of Mexican make. Whilst competing in the WWE Hardcore Championship, they attempted to once again, ram their vehicle into their opposition. This time, a bolt on the front tire slipped, causing them to hurl forward, with the bike flipping over them and exploding on impact.
